Tuesday, July 14, 2009


My wife and I have been going to the gym now for about 3 weeks pretty regular like. We usually do the Crossfit workout of the day (WOD), but occasionally I make up workouts, or we do a traditional 3 sets of 10 or whatever. Usually because the WOD is too difficult/dangerous, or we just want something different for whatever reason.

I have started the eating Paleo, but she isn't really into it. She has diabetees and eats according to her needs, but I've basically cut out all grains, taters, and proccessed foods. Well, that's the idea. I shouldn't say that's what I've done really. I'm not too great about following the diet strict like. I haven't done a bad job. We just have lots of food that doesn't fit the diet, that nevertheless needs eaten. I'm not one to throw away food you know.

I've already lost about 2-3 lbs. My mood has been better, and my energy level is high. I have good mental clarity too. I'm really looking forward to my time in the gym now. I'm ready to start getting benchmarks, and keeping close track of my progress. Before it was just getting back into the routine. I'm ready to start challenging myself a bit more.

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