Saturday, March 24, 2007

The "secret" journal revealed. =P

20 minutes tonight. It wasn't bad. Not really good either.
My wife asked me tonight, "What does meditation do for you?" For me, I think it makes me more aware of my reactions to things throughout the day. I notice myself getting mad, or lazy, or whatever I'm getting, a little sooner that if I wasn't meditating. Keeps my mind on my mind I guess you could say. Plus, Buddha said that if you do it, and you follow the rest of the instructions (precepts, eightfold path etc..) that you would lead a happier life and be more benificial to everyone. It's part of the "path", just as not killing, not stealing or whatever.
We're dog-sitting right now. When my wife asked me if we could help out one of her friends by watching the dog for a week, I at first didn't want any part of it. After giving it some thought though, I realized it would be a good way to help someone out, would give us a small taste of what it might be like to have a dog, and I realized that I was acting on my gut reaction and not actually being truthful. So, now we're dog-sitting. I'm very glad we did. I'm enjoying "Ben." He's a good dog. Plus, two folks are off traveling in Italy without having to worry about their pet. =)

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