Saturday, March 31, 2007

15 minutes at O'dark thirty

I haven't posted lately, though I've been very good about doing at least 15 minutes of meditation a day. Tonight was nice. I quickly settled down and got into it. Breathing is weird. If you think about it, it's very hard not to actively breath. It's hard to sit and let your body breath and just observe. Tonight I got right to that point quickly. =) All the little distractions: ticking clock, typing keyboard in the other room, jingly dog shaking of and stretching, cars swooshing by on the streets outside, voices from the other apartments, they all seemed like drops of water landing on a calm body of water. Sending ripples out each time, but not enough to really disturb the surface. Also, I think I'm getting a little more flexible. I can sit full lotus now without too much discomfort.

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