Wednesday, April 11, 2007

20 minutes at 2230, +15 lousy minutes this morning.

5 Precepts
1. I won't kill
2. I won't take what's not given to me.
3. I won't engage in sexual misconduct.
4. I won't lie/gossip
5. I won't drink or do drugs.

That's the cut and dry version of them. I have the most trouble w/ the gossip one I believe. At least I'm becoming more aware of it. Sometimes it's difficult to tell if I'm becoming more aware of my shortcomings, or if I'm slipping up more often. I found myself involved in gossip several times today. It's such a habit you know. I'm 1/2 way through a conversation before I realize I'm talking bad about someone. I'm working on it though.

I really get a lot more out of my meditations when I do them around bed time. I don't know if I'm more relaxed at that time or what. I thought I'd try to do it this morning again just for a change of pace, and it didn't go well at all. I think it's because I'm concerned about pressing deadlines and what the day is going to bring. At night, before bed, it's easy to drop all that and just relax in the moment. Tonight was great. 20 minutes of nice deep relaxed meditation. I really huger for it sometimes. I'm excited to sit down.

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