We have a little girl now! Ella Tate is adorable. She's in the NICU and will be for a few months more. Born at 24 weeks, she was really early and requires a lot of care. The whole thing has been very stressful on Mom & Dad as you might imagine. So, I was doing great w/ meditating, but when I deployed to Pakistan back in September, I quit completely. It's hard to meditate in a room full of 15 Soldiers who think Buddha is a God and haven't a clue what Zen is. I would sort of try to while lying down, but it just doesn't work. It doesn't feel the same. At any rate, now I'm back home sort of, and I have opportunities to sit now and then. I started again yesterday for a super short 10 minutes before we went to visit Ella. I want to try and sit a little each day. I think it's more important now than ever. It's easy to get upset when I'm always worrying about Ella, and I've even got some problems w/ my skin that I attribute to stress lately.
This morning I was talking w/ a woman downstairs at our hotel that has to go to Seattle for a bone marrow transplant for her cancer. I said, "good luck" as I left her there in the kitchen. She replied, "I don't think luck has anything to do w/ it. We leave it all up to God." What do you say to something like that? I said, "Yeah..." Not in an offensive way. I was just at a loss for words I guess. To me, her statement sounded something like, "We trust it all to the Easter Bunny." But I know she was totally serious about it. I just don't know the proper response...without acting like I believe the same thing that is. Actually, I sort of think she said that as a small reinforcement of her own beliefs. I think that's a big part of the Christians requirement to testify. It solidifies one's own belief by professing it in front of others. Okay. Gotta go!
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