Sunday, November 28, 2010


This is my little girl's fingers wrapped around my pinky. She's a whopping 1 lbs, 8 oz. 12 inches long and 16 weeks premature, it's amazing to feel her grip.
I remember reading Zen in the art of archery. The author's teacher kept telling him to meditate like a baby grasping for its father's finger. No intention or goal, just grasping for the finger with no judgment at all.

I wonder what goes through her mind. I wonder what sort of a mind she has at this point. It strikes me too that she relies so completely on us. Mom & Dad and all the staff at the hospital. She survives purely on the compassion of others. If we let down our guard, even for a day, she wouldn't make it. Everyone starts out that way. Every single one of us, no matter how bad ass we turn out, started out as a squeaky little helpless being, crying for Mom & Dad, and depending on the world to take care of us completely.

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